So, this morning I decided it was the day; I gathered some cardboard, paper, ribbon, mesh from my TJ's garlic and tons of hot glue and went to town.
1) first, I modpodged a piece of green-leafy paper on to some thick cardboard.
2) then, I decided there should probably be some space between the paper and mesh so that the earwires would have some room, so I lined the outsides of the rectangle with another layer of cardboard.
3) next step: hot gluing the mesh to the cardboard, which was tricky. I tried to stretch it well so that it wouldn't sag in the middle.
4) after that, I covered up all the blemishes by framing the rectangle with WAY too bright orange ribbon I had laying around.
5) then, for kicks, I used some thinner ribbon and hot glue to make some bracelet holders at the bottom.
6) hung it to my wall with 3Ms...